One of the most common comments I see on Facebook is a cat owner posting a picture of their beloved kitty and asking if it is a RagaMuffin. The answer is virtually always going to be no. Same with other breeds like Maine Coons. Unless you go to a breeder for a pedigreed cat, it is unlikely to be a pedigreed cat, especially when it comes to rare breeds.

If your kitten or cat is sweet, floppy and long haired it is not a RagaMuffin unless it came with papers from CFA, ACFA, GCCF, WCF or CCA. Most likely it is a Domestic Long Hair. If it is a TICA registered RagaMuffin, it is generally a Ragdoll crossed with a Persian or other cat (

Domestic Long Hair, or Domestic Short Hair is a term used to describe random bred cats with long or short hair. These are the most common cats in the world. The truth is, pedigreed cats are developed from these cats. A random bred cat is no less deserving of a good home and love than a pedigreed cat. I have always had rescues in my house; I still do.

Back in the origins of the RagaMuffin, a breeder developed a line of cats using domestic cats and pedigreed cats for a specific temperament and look.  The characteristics that the RagaMuffin is known for come from these cats. Those features are available in the general cat population. In the RagaMuffin, those lovable traits come together in one cat specifically breed for sweet temperament, good health, and to meet the breed standard in looks. (