I regularly get inquiries on how to get on iCandy’s waitlist for a kitten. But, recently, I have gotten inquiries on how to bypass the waitlist. Really. To be honest, initially, I didn’t understand what one person wanted. When I realized they wanted a kitten NOW, without joining the waitlist others were on, I stopped responding. I appreciate the people that have waited patiently for an iCandy RagaMuffin. I believe they feel the kitten they ultimately take home is worth the wait.

I wrote a blog a while back that explained the waitlist. iCandy always has people waiting for a kitten. This is not a kitten mill. I refuse to churn out kittens to meet a demand. My cattery is my home. I have breeding cats, a few rescues and geriatric cats that need my attention. I only keep a limited number of cats so I can be sure they all get the attention, health care and grooming they need. Cats, especially kittens can get sick. In that case, they need extra care.

If I produced more kittens (which I could do) I worry that I would not be able to give the level of care that I do now. The health clearances done on breeding cats and the living conditions and care provided for all cats at iCandy are the highest level possible. Very few breeders of any breed do what I do for these RagaMuffins. In the RagaMuffin world, even fewer take their kittens and breeding cats out to shows to be evaluated by professional judges on a regular basis.

Does my effort mean every kitten is perfect? A resounding no is that answer. What I try to do is be transparent with people when there is an issue. Yes, I’ve had a problem in the past that I gave the families with deposits on a litter an option to back out and get a refund. None took that option. They were willing to wait for the kittens to be healthy enough to go home. I want people to be thrilled with their iCandy RagaMuffin. That being stated, kittens are fragile and they can even get sick after they go home due to the stress.

While I do not make a living off my RagaMuffins, I do take the breeding and showing very seriously. I’ve been involved with animals my entire life. My profession is taking care of animals. The high quality of the RagaMuffin kittens and the care they are given produced here means there is a waitlist.