Windsor and Solo


written by Catherine S Foldesi                   RagaMuffin lover


Two RagaMuffins are better than one.  This is not to say it was a bed of roses or like eating ice cream and cake from day one.  No, we definitely had our ups and downs with the two cats adjusting to each other.  First, we got Windsor as a kitten.  A few years later we adopted his mom, Solo, who was one of Sara’s Queens.  The first few days went better than expected.  We did not realize that we let them together too quickly. Sara had been right all along. We should have waited several weeks before letting the two cats together.  We learned this the hard way.  After a week or so the two cats started to have very noisy and scary tiffs.  We started over, keeping them separated for several weeks.  They took turns in our sunroom.  The main problem had been they both wanted to sleep on our bed, but did not want to be near each other.  They were bidding for our attention.


After the separation period they seemed to tolerate each other well.  We had no more problems.  Still only one slept with us at a time.  I really wanted to have them both happily sleeping on our bed with us.  The funny thing is during the day they would lay together on the bed but not with us.  I think it was all about getting the attention they each wanted. After some time passed I figured they were never going to both sleep with us and I had to accept it.  Otherwise, they were pals and hung out together around the house.  They especially love it when I open the sunroom for them.   It is adorable how they come running when they hear the drawer open where we keep the door key.  They know the sound as I open the door. They love the warm sun out there and of course watching the activity of the birds and squirrels.


It has now been more than a year since we got Solo.   I am happy to say in the last few weeks my dream has come true as they have been sleeping on our bed with us.  YAY! It is funny but sometimes Solo brings cat toys to bed and plays with them.  The cats are getting along wonderfully.  They are best buds.  If Windsor is in another room away from Solo I can hear her talking to get attention from either him or us. 


Solo does not really like our youngest dog.  We have three dogs and the youngest one does tease her.  So she does not roam comfortably throughout our whole house if he is loose.  She will not come in our family room in the evenings.  So our next goal is to help Solo get more comfortable with our youngest dog.  It might take awhile but we are up for the challenge.  Solo is a smart and savvy cat and knows how to handle his puppy antics.  In the meantime, we are enjoying the two cats sleeping with us.  They give us great joy. Yes, two cats are better than one.  Life is good here in our home.