After Thanksgiving sales were too tempting to ignore. I went Internet shopping for my pets. My oldest cat, a rescue named Petals, has arthritis. While she is getting medical treatment, I thought a heated pet bed might helpful as well.

I looked at several that were available. One seemed to be just perfect for a kitty. And it was on sale for a very good price. So, I bought it and in a couple of days it arrived. I initially put it on a chair to test it out. It was immediately occupied by RagaMuffin Nougat. I let him enjoy it for a bit , but then moved it to Petals favorite resting spot, on top of one of the cat trees in my den. I had to move Petals to put the bed there, plugged it in and replaced Petals. She immediately left.
The next I looked, Puzzles (another rescue) was sitting on the tree enjoying the heat. I was hoping that eventually, she would get down and Petals would return to her spot.

The following morning Ganache was lounging in the new bed. He didn’t look anxious to move. Finally, later in the morning, I found Petals enjoying her new found warmth. She was still there when I got home from work in the evening and only got up for her dinner.
I’d say the bed is a success. And I’m thinking I will have to get more!
