
  I am both a veterinarian and a breeder. I have been both a long time. I have been a licensed veterinarian for almost forty years. I bred a few horses many years ago, then bred Labrador Retrievers for almost 25 years. Now, I have been breeding RagaMuffins for more than eight years. Sometimes the


Planning a Breeding Program

  Putting together and developing a RagaMuffin breeding program is much more than buying a male and a female and allowing them to mate. There are a number of different factors to consider. First is always health. Starting with vigorous individuals with clear health testing (Health Clearances), current vaccinations and regular parasite control is vital.

Planning a Breeding Program2022-08-20T01:29:11+00:00

Why a RagaMuffin?

  When I was closing in on my 50th birthday, I was looking through a magazine called Cat Fancy that regularly arrived at my veterinary hospital. I have always had a passion for cats, so this was one of my favorite magazines to peruse. This issue featured a breed called the RagaMuffin. I read the

Why a RagaMuffin?2022-08-20T01:29:46+00:00

Sudden Kitten Illness

I got up one morning and proceeded to do my chores as usual. First things include letting the dog out, feeding the dog, and then going through the house feeding cats and scooping boxes. When I got to the nursery upstairs, I noticed right away that Gertrude’s solo kitten was not up in her play

Sudden Kitten Illness2022-08-20T01:34:05+00:00

The Amazing Raisinette

RagaMuffin iCandy Raisinette at Cotton States Last weekend I took a trip to Atlanta for the Cotton States cat show. I've always heard what a great show it is, but have never made it there. I decided at the airport this was the year to go. A cat show friend (and

The Amazing Raisinette2022-08-28T02:13:10+00:00

Adding a New Kitten to the Family

  It’s an exciting time when a new RagaMuffin kitten joins the household. A bit of planning will help things go smoothly and reduce the stress for the new kitten as well as any existing pets. The first thing to consider is a place where the new kitten will go for a couple of weeks

Adding a New Kitten to the Family2022-08-28T02:21:53+00:00