Going for the Grand

  Earlier this year, RagaMuffin iCandy Raisinette went to shows looking to earn points for her grand championship. It is a mountain to climb for sure. Coming from the dog world, it is very different. In the dog world, the title of champion is quite an accomplishment. It takes a good dog and judges that

Going for the Grand2023-03-29T02:01:36+00:00

No More Cats! (said no cat lover ever)

  author Patti Grow, cat lover   It was deep into the weeks of winter in 2020, and I knew in my heart that my days with my beloved 18 year old Simon Cat were drawing to a close. He was suffering from kidney failure, and I felt that he would let me know when

No More Cats! (said no cat lover ever)2022-08-28T02:26:10+00:00