CFA International Show

GP AW iCandy Fireball I’m really behind on blogging. No good reason  for that. But, two weeks ago, I went to the CFA International show in Cleveland.   This time I shared the journey with friend Alene Shafnisky who is showing iCandy Fireball this season along with her Turkish Angora, Sinend Seamus, another red

CFA International Show2024-10-26T15:46:08+00:00

Complicated Litter Plans

  I recently bred iCandy Toffee Crunch to Adoremuffins Walnut. I think they will make awesome RagMuffin kittens. But the expected litter has a downside. You see, Toffee has type B blood. She is my only cat with this. Most cats are type A, some AB. In order to safely breed a type B female

Complicated Litter Plans2023-03-29T01:48:30+00:00