CFA International Show

GP AW iCandy Fireball I’m really behind on blogging. No good reason  for that. But, two weeks ago, I went to the CFA International show in Cleveland.   This time I shared the journey with friend Alene Shafnisky who is showing iCandy Fireball this season along with her Turkish Angora, Sinend Seamus, another red

CFA International Show2024-10-26T15:46:08+00:00

North Atlantic Regional Weekend

  Last Friday I hit the road in a packed vehicle with RagaMuffin iCandy  Raisinette. It was the annual trip to the CFA North Atlantic Regional cat show and banquet. Believe me when I say it is a big deal in the cat world. First, the show is amazing. The decorations and rosettes are always

North Atlantic Regional Weekend2022-08-20T01:38:15+00:00

iCandy Excitement

    I got an email the other day from the Cat Fanciers Association stating that this issue of Cat Talk magazine would be the last printed version, but subscribers would get it in both printed and digital this month. In the future it would be digital only. So, I clicked on the link to

iCandy Excitement2022-08-20T01:53:12+00:00

Final For Raisinette

iCandy Raisinette and judge Kathy Calhoun It was the typical cat show in Morgantown, Pennsylvania. A venue full of cat lovers vying for judges' points for their beloved kitties. I brought three RagaMuffins with me to show. iCandy Jolly Rancher was in championship class; iCandy Raisinette and iCandy Toffee Crunch were in kitten

Final For Raisinette2022-08-28T02:16:50+00:00