Very often people wonder what the difference between a show cat and pet cat is. It’s a simple answer. Every iCandy RagaMuffin born is a pet; not every kitty is a show cat.

A pet is a family member. It spends time with the family, playing, cuddling and just hanging out. A successful show cat is physically a stellar example of the breed that goes to shows to be evaluated by trained judges in a competition. iCandy show cats also spend their time in the home doing all the things pet cats do….because they ARE pets!

So what makes a show cat? First off, an exceptional temperament is required. A RagaMuffin has to want to be out in public. Show venues are loud and crowded. Not every cat will enjoy this activity. Sometimes, it takes a cat a few shows to get used to the atmosphere. Once acclimatized, most kitties enjoy the attention and even extra treats. Those that don’t, stay home.

Another factor in a show cat is being an outstanding example of the RagaMuffin breed. The breed standard ( describes what a RagaMuffin should look like; a judge considers how close an individual is to the standard. For example, a RagaMuffin should have large walnut shaped eyes, puffy  whisker pads and a sweet expression.

It is not unusual for iCandy to place a kitten as a family pet that would be perfectly suitable as a show cat as well. Several years ago, I did just that; the new owner became interested in showing, and their pet iCandy RagaMuffin became a CFA Grand Premier and Regional Winner!