With the corona virus scare, the Cat Fanciers Association has cancelled all shows through the end of May. Wow. I took a look at my calendar and deleted all the shows I had planned.  No dog judging assignments or cat shows for the next 2.5 months!

I thought about what I will do on the weekends. I have a litter of Labrador puppies due in four weeks. Puppies take a lot of time and energy. It won’t be as big a time crunch to put the effort in. Assembling the whelping box and getting everything else ready can be a leisurely activity now.

This weekend I got my taxes done and did some chores that I had on the back burner. Today I spent time going through some drawers, shredding papers that I haven’t looked at in twenty years. Amazing! The drawers are no longer stuffed full! I plan to do the same thing with my clothes closet in the future.

Going through my laundry room shelves is also on the agenda. That’s my storage for, well, everything. Dog towels, crates, leashes, training dummies, toys and lots of miscellaneous stuff is piled not so neatly. And then there is the cat stuff. I apparently hoard cat carriers. In addition to the carriers, I have all my cat show accessories, stacks of litter boxes that have retired, bags of cat litter, tons of grooming supplies and yes, a bag of outfits for my patient cats. Sporadically in the room, there are non pet related items like a battery charger and a drill.

I may spend extra time in the barn and even saddle up a horse if the weather is nice.

Wish me luck on my endeavors……I think I’ll need it.