It’s the weekend before Halloween, so I do as I typically do, fret over what outfits the cats are going to wear at the show. I know, I know, nobody cares. But, I also know, spectators and other exhibitors get a kick out of my wonderful RagaMuffins when they see them dressed up. Other exhibitors have come to expect Nougat to wear something, anything, at each show. The younger kitties, not so much.
Nougat had a special costume this year. A friend made a vet outfit for him, so he “could dress like Mommy” . He looks great in it and made a big impression on all that saw him!
Buttons has never been much for dressing up. The first time I did it was Christmas last year. I put an elf outfit on her. As some cats do, Buttons froze. If you tapped her, she would just fall over. OK, no full body outfits for Buttons. Fancy collars, OK. Hats were also not her thing. That’s a disappointment, as Nougat wears hats with panache, even balancing them on his head if needed. This weekend, Buttons was good with the witch hat. Maybe she likes purple.
The baby of the family, Fudgie, appears to be following in Nougat’s footsteps. He allows virtually any hat to stay on his head, so, he got a bat hat and a pumpkin for this weekend. He didn’t care. While he is not at the point where he can balance them, he does hold pretty steady for the photo ops.