I’ve blogged so many times about Crinkle that I expect that any time someone will comment : “enough!” But, here is one last one.
His remaining time is very limited. A piece of my heart will go with him. He is dying. I need to make a decision soon to help him leave this world. I plan to dig his grave in a short while. It will be where his body goes while his spirit helps me recover, thinking about the sweet memories of the forty-four months he has been with me.
I even had a consult with a pet psychic this morning. I don’t know how much I believe in that, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt. She told me he was uncomfortable and very sleepy. He was thirsty and hungry, which makes sense as he is having trouble swallowing. She also told me that he is devoted to me. I knew that. I didn’t need a psychic to tell me that.
Among other comments, the psychic told me he had a person once before in an apartment or connected houses. He went home one day and there was no one home; they had moved and left him behind. He remembers being very hungry and eating grass. He believes he is seventeen years old.
I need to make this decision soon. No pet owner wants their pet to waste away. It is just so hard.