beginning with Ruby

I knew the day would come that my Labrador breeding would come to an end.  I didn’t expect it to be now. I thought I would have a few more years.  My dogs made the decision for me.  In some ways, that made it easier. I’m too long in the tooth to start again after so many years of working on my lines. It has been a living art process to breed for health, temperament, trainability and looks.

I knew this might be coming in the fall after 3 unsucessful breedings with Bling in two years; her reproductive work up showed nothing up until the point of a uterine biopsy revealing an infection. She was spayed at that time. Then, the younger dog, Bangle, did not have a successful pregnancy recently.

I decided enough is enough. It’s been fun. I had some great dogs over twenty-three years of breeding; met wonderful people through dog sports as well as puppy families. I have always loved keeping track of my puppies over the years. Most went as pets. I bred a few champions in the show ring as well. As my

end with Orchid

mentors at Hemlock Ridge Labradors told me, if you breed a good show dog, but the rest can’t make good pets, you have failed.

I started with a great dog from Hemlock Ridge and ended with what is arguably the best dog I have ever had. From CH Hemlock’s Red Sapphire CGC CDX JH WCI  to CH Canterbury’s Pink Orchid Diamond CGC RE BN WC, I  grew in my ability to train as well as my point of view as a breeder.

So now I am left with two loved pet Labradors who share my life.  I have my AKC judge permit for Labradors Retrievers. And I have great memories and friends.