It’s been an awesome start to the new show season with my sweet natural mink mackerel tabby and white girl. Her very first show for the season was in Maryland. She earned finals under all eight judges at the show. I didn’t bother to look at the final results of the show until tonight, after a friend told me Pixi Stix ended up being the third highest scoring cat in championship at that show! My baby was ranking in the big leagues with Persians, Maine Coons, Manx, and other cats with more history and influence in the show ring.
This past weekend was the North Atlantic Regional show. Saturday night was the big banquet when the awards were distributed. Saturday’s cat show was busy, with everyone’s thoughts on the evening banquet. Pixi Stix earned finals four of the six rings; very good results, in my book. Sunday’s show brought another epic result with Pixi Stix finaling under all six judges. I was thrilled.
But, the best part was my cat. For whatever reason she decided she WANTED to be a show cat. She has been very good at the show activity, but lacked the presence of the cat that wants to win. Don’t worry, I realize how weird that sounds. First thing Saturday morning, she was wound like an eight day clock. She wanted out of the security cage at the show and into the judge’s ring. As soon as the judge put her on the table she went up the pole that is on the side of the table. Judges love that as it allows the cat to show off a bit. While Pixi Stix has climbed the pole before, she never had the enthusiasm she displayed this time! She continued to do her pole dance and play with the toys the judges offered throughout the day.
After a nice slumber in the hotel room, she had a repeat performance on Sunday. It was such a pleasure to watch her have fun. As always, it was good to spend time with cat loving friends as well. Back home now, we are back in the routine until the next show.